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24 Goals for Year 24 - #24for24


​Hello Everyone!

Here is a list of 24 goals I aim to achieve in my 24th year of life (really my 25th, but it'll have the label of the 24th). This is not a quarter-life crisis, but a quarter-life quest! Whenever I make a Facebook post that is achieving one of these goals, I'll include the hashtag #24for24.

Last updated: 1/18/19

Not Completed - 5

Completed - 19

1. Get better at praying - no using ADHD as an excuse

2. Finish Bible Project read through of the Bible

  • One video that I really enjoyed - Book of Job

3. Participate in the World Vision 30 Hour Famine

  • Completed 2/25 with the East Main Presbyterian Church Youth Group

  • Check out my blog about the event here!

4. Successfully lead my first life group

  • Completed 4/22, Board Game Life Group was a success! Picture below is some of us playing Citadels.

5. Attend at least two life groups per semester

  • Spring 2018

  • Board Games

  • Freedom Group (Men's)

  • Bible Study - Romans

  • Asheville Bucket List

  • Summer 2018

  • Family Dinner w/ Denson Family

  • DISCiples Ultimate Frisbee

  • Fall 2018

  • Sermon Discussion Group

  • Campfire Prayer Group

6. F3 - Q one AO a month. (Lead at least one workout for the Asheville F3 group per month).

Check out my blog post about my first year of F3 here!

  • January - Completed 1/16

  • February - Completed 2/8

  • March - Completed 3/17

  • April - Completed 4/5, 4/19

  • May - Completed 5/10, 5/12

  • June - Completed 6/14

  • July - Completed 7/14, 7/17

  • August - Completed 8/9

  • September - Completed 9/29

  • October - Completed 10/30

  • November - Completed 11/6

  • December - Completed 12/8

18 strong for 10/30/18 at UNCA:

30 Side-Straddle Hops in cadence

15 Cherry Pickers in cadence

20 Imperial Walkers in cadence

Mosey to track

100m sprint followed by 5 burpees x4

Mosey to rock pile

Partner-up, one partner planks with their hands on their rock while the other takes their rock up and down the stairs. Switch when they get back, both go up and down three times.

Return rocks, partner vs. partner stair sprints

Mosey to parking garage

1-minute of toe taps on parking stoppers, rest for 30 seconds - x3

Bear crawl across parking garage x2

Mosey to track

Half track sprint - to parking lot

50 Flutter-Kick in cadence

7. Gain 20 healthy pounds - 170 total

8. Run a race

  • Completed 5/19/18 - Ultimate Challenge Mud Run - so much fun, I ran it twice!

  • Finished with a time of 01:26:57.45 - placed 64th out of 276 teams. Check the complete results here.

  • Completed 9/7-9/9 - Blue Ridge Relay

  • Finished with a time of 32:53:01 - 130 out of 199 teams. Check the complete results here.

  • This one was tough, I ran legs 9, 21, and 33 - 19.8 miles total. Aggravated my IT band in the process of leg 21 and "ran" 33 with a limp. Overall very disappointed with my performance.

9. Start a flag football group/join a flag football team

  • First pickup game was on 3/3/2018 - 10 strong for some 5v5

10. Get a full-time Volunteer Coordinator job at Four Seasons CFL

  • Completed 1/29/2018

Speaking at New Volunteer Orientation

11. Get involved in student ministry (6th-12th grade) again

"Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts." - Psalm 145:3-4

12. Find a new piece on piano to learn and learn it

13. Perform percussion in an ensemble

  • Asheville's Land of Sky Symphonic Band - concerts were on 3/1/2018 and 9/6/2018

14. Ski again or learn to snowboard

15. Score better than a +14 in disc golf

  • Completed 1/20/2018 at Sandhill with a +13, picture below is the final putt.

  • Improved 6/9/2018 - Shot a +6 at Sandhill, and then a +11 at Richmond Hill. Picture below is highlight of the day - my best ever putt on hole #10 at Richmond Hill, taken from where I was standing when I made the shot.

16. Kayak in a new body of water

17. Go camping and sleep outside - no tent, just a hammock, tarp, etc.

  • Completed 8/10/18 at Camp Tekoa - night in the hammock before being a counselor for Camp Heart Songs!

18. Hike the Mt. Mitchell trail to the summit

19. Go on a road trip with a friend and/or visit a friend in a new city

  • Completed 10/26/18 - Visited Alaina in Knoxville, TN - Had the best Fries/Burger combo I've ever had at Stock and Barrel. Overall, Knoxville was a very nice city that I enjoyed exploring for a few days. Would go back with the right group of people.

20. Get involved with "Pine Campers" again

21. Write at least six blog posts of quality content

22. Convince some family and friends to visit Asheville, then host them

23. Get back home to NY for Thanksgiving/Christmas

24. Watch the Broncos be in contention for Super Bowl LIII - Because of Gather Students and not having a TV, I watched significantly less football than usual (which probably isn't a bad thing). But I got to enjoy a game over Thanksgiving weekend vs. the Steelers which was definitely the highest point of the Broncos' season. Having many friends who are Steelers fans always makes me look forward to Bronvos vs. Steelers, and with the exciting goal line interception at the end, it made for a good time to be cheering for the Broncos. The future looked bright at that moment with some easier opponents down the stretch - but with injuries to two of some of our best players shortly afterwards, I submitted that their playoff contention was officially over after a loss to the 49ers on 12/9/18. Shout out to LDB who was there at Levi stadium to see that sad moment in person.

Broncos' defense after intercepting Big Ben to win.

Thanks for reading, and God Bless!

These are pictures for the thumbnail whenever I post it to Facebook.

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