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Who I am


I work fully remotely for Teleios Collaborative Network (consultants for hospice health care), preparing/editing the content our consultants use to present to our members. As of fall 2023, I travel around the country looking for the next location to settle and call home.


After graduating from Grove City College with my BA in Biblical and Religious Studies in 2016, I completed my four summers of work as a Camp Counselor/Ministry Coordinator for Camp Whitman on Seneca Lake.


In the fall of 2016, I was placed in Asheville working for Homeward Bound through a year long volunteer program, before being hired as an employee in the fall of 2017. Working in their "Welcome Home" program - turning buildings into homes by furnishing them for their clients - allowed me to discover my call to live in Asheville.


In March of 2018, I answered that call by starting full-time work for Four Seasons (hospice health care) as a Volunteer Coordinator. After 5+ years working for Four Seasons and approaching the my 30s, I felt it was time to take the next step in my career and finalize my time in Asheville.


In June of 2023, I started my new role with TCN, and with the flexibility of working remotely, I sold the majority of my belongings and started traveling around the country in search of a new place to settle and call home.


The purpose of this website is to track my journey via occasional blog posts. In 2020, I started utilizing Instagram to track more frequent highlights, you can follow me there @JeremySGlidden

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