Author's Note: This blog was originally posted on 1/8/2017 - if you would like a more recent (and very positive) opinion on the church, email me at jeremygliddenblog@gmail.com
A new way I am experiencing and growing my relationship with Christ is seeking out a local church to attend. I have recently started regularly attending a church called The Gathering Church in West Asheville. Some of the qualities I like about it so far are:
New Church - The Gathering Church is relatively new, with it's first services starting in February of 2016. Attending a church that is still experiencing growing pains will offer new perspectives and insight into Christian ministry. In my search for something different and less secure, there is an appeal in knowing that this is a ministry that is relying more on God and still throwing ideas at the wall. If I decide to become a full time attendee (I am very close to that point), I hope to see some failures the church experiences and responses to those failures.
Longer Messages - The messages at The Gathering are about 40-50 minutes long. The larger amount of time dedicated to the message (compared to my previous churches) fills a void left by my Biblical and Religious Studies lectures in college. I'm sure my Mom isn't the only one who is surprised to hear that I have been able to sit down in one place and focus for that long. That extended time of focus is made possible by...
Engaging Speaker - The lead pastor, John Mark Redwine, delivers the message in a way that is very energetic while at the same time organized and focused. He delivers the message in cadences that makes it easy for me to stay focused and follow along. While ultimately the content of the message itself is most important, this delivery is an additional benefit to allow me to learn more effectively.
Music - My biggest concern when I first heard about this church and walked in the door was that it was going to be a concert instead of a church service. Thankfully that was not the case. The focus is still very much on God, and the music does not overwhelm the service.
Policy for Visitors - This is my first time seeking out a church and being a "visitor" since taking Theology of Worship in college and discussing how to properly bring in new members. The Gathering has been superb at being welcoming to people at all stages of their faith journey by encouraging everyone to get engaged. It has a welcoming presence to those who are less familiar with the church setting while also providing the opportunities for a proactive visitor to get plugged in and learn more. Most importantly, it does not water-down or sacrifice the message of the Gospel to try to appeal to new visitors, which is a common mistake.
Online Services - Because I don't have a car here in Asheville, I am not always able to find a ride to services every Sunday morning. When that is the case, I watch the service online from the comfort of my own home and you can, too! Every Sunday at 10am, they broadcast their service at gatherasheville.churchonline.org. When Asheville was hit with a snowstorm on the weekend of 1/8/2017, The Gathering was still able to hold a service online for people watching from the safety of home.
I am looking forward to continuing my involvement at this new church. Their semester for life groups will be starting soon, and I'll be choosing one to attend. If you want to learn more about the church, visit gatherasheville.org or email me at jeremygliddenblog@gmail.com