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Simple Living


Donation update: There is $550 remaining of my goal that supports my YAV year. If you would like more information on how to support my year financially or through other means, please email me at

Hello everyone!

In my beginning of year/August blog, I discussed Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) orientation, and specifically one of the songs that I thoroughly enjoyed while there. For my September blog, I announced my work placement here in Asheville and explained what my year of service entails. Most recently, I wrote about Intentional Christian Community in my October blog.

In this blog, I will be discussing one of the other core values of the YAV program: Simple Living. The official description of Simple Living found on the YAV home page reads as follows:

"YAVs are challenged to practice simple living – living an abundant life with less. Living simply pushes YAVs to evaluate their true needs with their lifestyle and beliefs."

In YAV Asheville, the YAV program pays for our house/home furnishings, rent, and internet. The five of us YAVs are each given a $300 monthly stipend for all other expenses. Here is a list of some of our expenses and how it impacts daily life:

  • Utilities - So far, our average utility bill has been $37.17 per YAV. Because our bill is split evenly among everyone in the house, it puts the pressure on us to cut down our water and electric usage. Quick showers and always turning off lights have become habits in our household.

  • Transportation - Asheville has a public transportation system, so we were encouraged to not bring cars to the site. I was able to sell my car before starting the YAV year, so not having to worry about gas and insurance has been helpful. I spend $20 every month for a bus pass - mainly to get to and from work everyday. Since a couple of YAVs in the house have cars here, we have the convenience of being able to get groceries on our own time. The biggest effect this has had on daily living is being dependent on the bus schedule. I don't have the leisure to sleep in or to be running late. When I practice piano everyday after work, I don't get to choose to keep practicing if I need to, because I need to make it back to the bus on time. (Special thanks to Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church for allowing me to use their piano for practicing everyday).

  • Groceries - Our biggest expense per month. We have been able to make it with contributing $60 per person. Thankfully, none of us have serious dietary restrictions, so we are able to cook meals for all of us pretty often, saving on cost. Also, Andy works at a cafe that serves donated food, so he often is able to bring back leftovers for us to eat. He most commonly brings home Indian food, which is a staple in our household. Snack foods like chips, crackers, cookies, and trail mix are all delicacies.

Other expenses vary among each of us. For example, all of the money I've been saving up per month so far has gone to Christmas Gifts and Holiday Transportation.

Although I have found that my rustic living at Camp Whitman over four summers was more successful at fostering spiritual growth by removing essential living pleasures - air conditioning, daily showers, cell phone usage, etc. - the amount time I spend budgeting and making conscious financial decisions has significantly increased during my time in the YAV program.

The biggest change YAV Simple Living has caused in my life has been the absence of private music lessons. I have had private lessons in the fall/spring for at least 17 years. Even though I am able to practice piano, the lack of having professional teaching in either piano or percussion is significant. I don't know how much my musical talent will diminish over this year of service. While I expect my percussion ability to have a much bigger decline than on piano, I hope that at least keeping the habit of practicing one instrument will prevent a significant negative impact on my ability as a musician as a whole. Although musical talent has been my most effective way of praising God the most throughout my life, taking the time to connect with God more outside of music is a welcome new challenge that simple living has provided.

How am I doing that? That is the topic of my next blog! Thank you so much for supporting my year of service by reading this blog. If you would like to discuss with me ways to continue to support me or support my remaining financial goal of $550, please email me at

God Bless!

Bonus content - Click the video below to listen and follow along with the sheet music of the piece I am currently working on for piano: "Un Sospiro" by Franz Liszt

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